
St. John's Episcopal Church

Sanctuary Renovations

Project Details

In Association with Winthrop, Jenkins & Associates, Architects - National Register of Historic Places, Rivermont Historic District #03000224

St. John’s Episcopal Church is a significant historic structure located in the City of Lynchburg, Rivermont Historic District. This was a complex, 2-year multi-phased project. Major scope improvements addressed circulation issues, new entry/narthex, and renovations to the sanctuary and choir including a new rear choir/organ mezzanine. Major MEP upgrades were also addressed. During this 2-year period, the church and preschool remained fully operational.


St. John’s Episcopal Church
200 Boston Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503
Contact: Frances Marshall
(434) 384-8008


Winthrop, Jenkins & Associates, Architects
One Mill Street, Suite 202
Farmville, VA 23901
Contact: Bob Winthrop
(434) 392-5283


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